How Dental Clinics Should Handle Life Threatening Dental Emergencies

A dental emergency can be defined as a condition that affects your face and mouth to such an extent that you can”t function properly. A life threatening dental emergency occurs when there”s severe swelling and/or severe bleeding in gums. A person suffering for such a problem should immediately contact his/her Vancouver dentist.

Sometimes the dentist might also be confronted with a more serious condition, which may present a great risk for the patient”s life (myocardial infarction, anaphylactic shock etc.). In these situations, it is very important that the dentist know precisely what steps he/she needs to take in dealing with this emergency.

Every member of the dental team must know about the emergencies, which can occur in the dental office; every member has to be ready to face such kind of situations. Some clinics that frequently deal with emergency and trauma cases partake in mock drills so that they are prepared for different types of emergencies that can occur. In addition to the mock drill the drugs available with the dentist should be updated and the technique incorporated at a dental clinic should modernize with the new advancements in the technology.

However, in certain cases, action taken by the dentist may not be enough and the patient may have to call a fully equipped emergency facility. Therefore a list of emergency oral maxillofacial surgeons should be kept at all dental clinics.

Dentist should know about the medical history of the patient. This assessment will help the Vancouver dentist to know the patient”s general state of health. This will help the dentist to gain the information about:

Previous anesthetics taken
Possible allergic reactions
Reaction to certain drugs
The time to be allotted for the treatment
Correct method or technique for the treatment

In addition to the information of the previous medical history, dentist must also carry out a physical examination of the patient.
A careful assessment of patient”s health is the best tool available to a dentist to determine the severity of a dental emergency. This assessment tends to separate the good dentists from the bad.