The goal of water fluoridation is the prevention of tooth decay. This is achieved by adjusting the concentration of fluoride levels in public water supplies. Dental caries is a prevalent health issue and strong government-mandated policies are needed to reduce its occurrence in various communities. Although dental caries is rarely life-threatening, it can cause considerable pain, make eating difficult, inhibit speech, and can paralyze facial expressions.
Despite the availability of medical insurance and the implementation of preventive government policies, tooth decay still affects 60-90 percent of schoolchildren in the developed world. This is expected to increase in several regions as a result of changing diets and inadequate fluoride sources. In many societies, individuals from lower socio-economic groups have the highest levels of decayed and missing teeth, often as a direct result of poor dental hygiene, inadequate diets, and poor access to dental care.
The fluoridation of water does not affect its taste, smell, or color in any way. It is normally accomplished by adding one of three base compounds: sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate. These three compounds were chosen for their solubility, safety, availability, and affordability. Moreover, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has developed guidelines for water fluoridation encompassing each base compound.
American standards and dentist in Sevierville specify that the optimal fluoride level in drinking water should be between 0.7 to 1.2 ppm or parts per million. The optimal level is lower in warmer climates and higher in cooler climates. This American standard is not appropriate for all parts of the world, and each nation or region should set its own adjustable standards for fluoride levels in drinking water.
The World Health Organization and dentist in Sevierville recommend that fluoride levels in water supplies should be set at 1.0 ppm as the absolute upper bound, with 0.5 ppm being the lowest permissible limit. Moreover, fluoride as a naturally occurring mineral is present in many living organisms and elements in nature. Hence, fluoride from natural water sources such as rivers or lakes may have levels far below or above the recommended levels.
Scientific studies and dentist Sevierville TN has proven that fluoridated water creates low levels of fluoride ions in saliva and plaque fluid. This exerts a topical or surface effect on the tooth enamel. Exposure to recommended levels of fluoride retards the development of dental caries and increases the rate of tooth remineralization.